“To travel is to LIVE”.

“I haven’t been everywhere…but it’s on my list”

I got my first passport stamp at the age of 3. The first country I visited was my father's home island of Barbados. My family; which included my mother, father, twin brother and older brother visited Barbados often as a child. I remember running barefoot in the streets with my cousins, going on cave tours and splashing through the cold and salty waters of  "South Beach" in Christ Church., W.I.  After several trips to Barbados it would be almost 12 years before I'd get another passport stamp.

In 2012, I got a new passport and decided to go back to Barbados to visit my grandmother who had retired in the United States and returned "home" to enjoy retirement.

Two years later, I went to visit my friend Christina in the Philippines. It was the first time I had traveled alone and so far. I spent almost two days traveling, with 23 (twenty-three)  hours of flight time. Once in the Philippines, Christina and I decided to fly to Thailand to celebrate our birthdays. It was then, that I was bitten by the travel bug!

While working in the field of law enforcement, I had to figure how'd I balance wanting to travel and still work my 40 hour work week. I have a Sergeant that jokes and calls me: "3 and out" meaning I work for 3 weeks and then I'm gone. I laugh every time he says it because I usually find somewhere to go whether international or domestic at least once a month. I was able to figure out a way to maximize my time off while still getting my 40 hours in, even while I'm traveling.

I set a few goals for myself which included visiting 30 countries by the age 30 {2017} and visiting every continent. The joy I got from traveling was unexplainable. Having grown up in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, I considered myself pretty diverse. I was a first generation Caribbean American and the block I grew up on allowed me to have friends from Haiti, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados and more. I loved seeing how different cultures lived, I wanted to observe locals in their environment,  which I believed would help erase some of my ignorances, stereotypes and biases. I've taken away something unforgettable from every country I've visited, and love when I'm able to share with others.

Here we are in 2021, a revamped website to blog and plan, 3 passports, over 60 countries and 6 continents visited, and I have no plans on slowing down.